Thursday, April 24, 2008

Hillary or Obama, who has the most votes.

Recently Hillary claimed that she had the most votes cast for her and Obama claimed the same thing. The answer of course is what is the definition of a vote and whose vote do you count. If you do not include states that use Caucuses and include Florida and Michigan then Hillary has a wide margin, if you include Caucuses then she has a very thin margin. However, if you count the votes that are counted by the DNC to determine delegates then Obama is ahead. One thing to note, most caucus states do not keep accurate records so that vote is not very accurate.

This brings me to my point. Michigan and Florida need to be part of this process. Every vote should count. I'm not a big fan of Hillary and I don't really hope she wins the nomination but I am a big fan of democracy and voting. To ignore Florida and Michigan and exclude them from this process is a disgrace to a party that 8 years ago cried about how horrible not counting votes are.

Here is the best description of my thoughts on Obama are: Found over at the

As the democratic primary season drags on, we know the show by heart. It's experience vs. change. But I can't believe I'm about to do this - I`m going to defend Hillary Clinton. Why? Because when the New York Times viciously attacks someone in an editorial - that means that person must be doing something right. It's the enemy of my enemy theory that works in politics as well as the salad bar at the Olive Garden. Here's the bottom line. Barack Obama is about change. But what is that change? It's not substance, it's style. Fact is, not a single idea Barack has bandied about is new - he's every bit as liberal as Ted Kennedy on a bender- and his ideology is in lockstep with the most disastrous progressive thinking of the last 20 years. Meaning, Obama is praising stuff that doesn't work and never has. Hilary knows this, but has no idea how to explain it without the Obamites coming down on her.So she's screwed. She might actually be a fairly mediocre president, but it's not going to happen, because she's the old crone at Cinderella's ball. And it's Obama's foot that fits the slipper. This is not to say Barack doesn't believe in change.For him, change means "pick me." And that's it. There are no revolutionary ideas, or inspirational thoughts. He`s just an extremely charming man who wants to be president. Is that enough? Please let me know. I'll be out back tending to my roses. They cover the graves.

1 comment:

Jason said...

I mostly agree with your assessment of Obama being very charismatic, but maybe no substance. I would argue one point : I'm not sure if his "I'm an agent of change" necessarily means he thinks he's coming up with revolutionary ideas... I think to him it means that he can go to Washington and blow up some of the problems. While you're tending to your roses I"m going to go make me a pitcher of Kool-Aid!